Release and Restart: A 2-Part Meditation Series for the New Year
sáb, 30 dic
Discover the method to throw away accumulated pain, burden, stress, and blockages that have been holding you back. Start living in a world where you can do anything and live a happy life.
Time & Location
30 dic 2023, 14:00 GMT-5 – 01 ene 2024, 14:00 GMT-5
About the Event
This 2-part series is the perfect way to reset for the new year: release the old and restart with fresh, clear mind. In both sessions, please bring a journal/paper and pen for some reflective writing exercises.
Session 1: RELEASE - Saturday Dec. 30, 2-3:10pm Eastern
- Learn how to reflect and let go of any burdens, resentments, and regrets of the past year as we see them from a broader perspective.
Session 2: RESTART - Monday Jan. 1, 2-3:10pm Eastern
- Having cleared space in our mind, we can approach the new year with a fresh perspective and set our positive intentions and habits for 2024!
You are welcome to join either 1 session or both ($15 for 1 session or $25 for both).
1 hora 10 minutosRelease 2023 (Session 1)
1 hora 10 minutosRestart 2024 (Session 2)
2-Part Series / Both sessions
Admission to the full 2-part series on December 30, 2pm EST & January 1st, 2pm EST. The best way to ring in the new year: learn how to clear space in the mind, release old habits, and set positive intentions to do and live your best!
25,00Â US$Venta finalizadaRelease 2023: Dec. 30th, 2pm
Admission to Session 1 of the series: Release 2023. Learn how to clear space in the mind to make room for the new year!
15,00Â US$Venta finalizadaRestart 2024: January 1st, 2pm
Admission to Session 2 of the series: Restart 2024. Learn how to release old habits so we can set and execute our positive intentions for the new year.
15,00Â US$Venta finalizadaCurrent Member Ticket
This option is for existing members of Broward Meditation. Not yet a member? Book a free consultation or sign up here:
0,00Â US$Venta finalizada
0,00Â US$